Troop 159 (Boys) Eagle Scouts

1987 - Present


Once An Eagle, Always An Eagle


#Eagle ScoutMilitaryYear #Eagle ScoutMilitaryYear #Eagle ScoutMilitaryYear
* deceased
1Brian Bartels 198736Paul Turner 200371Liam Brown 2014
2Doug McMahon 198737Cory Mack 200372Brett McCormick 2014
3Greg Serafin 198838Andrew Herr 200373Niko Sjogren 2015
4Adam Marlett 198939Adam Cox (AJ)Navy200474Greg Weidman 2015
5Brian Reinicker 199240Christopher Dirr 200475Andrew Kiefer 2015
6Brad Marks 199241Max Wolf 200476John Steinmetz 2015
7Brian Udovich 199242Andrew Singer 200477
Tommy Durnil 2017
8Mike Garb 199343Dan Plechaty 200578Ethan Saye 2017
9Steve StachowitzNavy199344Ryan Helmer 200579Benjamin Chrisien 2017
10Jim Kieso JrAir Force199345David Brickham 200580Daniel Golding 2017
11Mike Johnson 199446Mitch Wolf 200581Parker Raabe 2018
12Stuart Holt 199447Jason Heun 200682Corbin Cooper 2018
13Dave Luckinbill 199448Michael Yunker 200683Jacob Rose 2018
14Joe Keene 199449Matthew Cummings 200684Michael Lemke 2018
15Joe Kelly 199550Bryan Turner 200785Connor Farnworth 2018
16Morgan Holt 199551Nathan Winrich 200786Adam Malone 2018
17Matt Berendt 199552Luke QuadracciArmy200787Brennan Kocovsky 2018
18Nick Kysely 199653Greg Plechaty 200788Jacob Noonan 2022
19Chad Udovich 199654Brian HerrMarines200789Francis Anggara 2022
20Greg Letts* 199655Jakob MaternaMarines200890Dyl Lampe 2022
21Bill Jones 199656Keith KacanekMarines200891Logan Carlton 2022
22Dan Ark 199857Andrew Martin 200892Harry Chrisien 2023
23Hans Angermeier 200058Ben SmithNavy200893Jack Walter 2023
24Matt Lochel 200059Steve Yunker 200894Zachary Watson 2023
25Matt Kysely 200160Eric Udovich 2008    
26Brad Singer 200161John Glowacki 2009    
27Kevin Ark 200162Karl Heun 2009    
28Jeremy Helmer 200163Michael Beiermeister 2010    
29Kyle Udovich 200164Michael Rozmenoski 2011    
30Alex Wolf 200165Alex Stiles 2012    
31Christian ThorntonNavy200266Brad Steinmetz 2012    
32Matt Gempeler 200267Erik Heun 2012    
33Josh Heidt 200268Josh Roper 2012    
34Ryan Konkel 200269Colin Chandler 2012    
35Joe Hanson 200270Colin Hazelton 2013    


Troop 159 Eagle Scouts In The Military

Eagle ScoutYears Of ServiceBranch Of The Military
Steve Stachowitz1994 - PresentU.S. Navy
Jim Kieso Jr1998 - PresentU.S. Air Force
Christian Thornton2001 - 2013U.S. Navy
AJ Cox2004 - 2008U.S. Navy
Brian Herr2008 - 2011U.S. Marines
Luke Quadracci2009 - PresentU.S. Army
Jakob Materna2009 - PresentU.S. Marines
Ben Smith2012 - PresentU.S. Navy
Keith Kacanek2012 -U.S. Marines


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