Like any strong organization, Troop 159 needs to generate income to cover expenses. For us to provide a quality program for all scouts, we have an approximate amount that it costs for each scout. This amount includes such things as registration, Boys Life magazine, repairs to equipment, new and replacement equipment purchases, shortfalls on weekend outings and recognitions earned by the scouts.
All scouts from new members through Eagle Scouts incur these expenses.
Troop 159 offers two primary fundraiser opportunities for scouts to earn money for the above expenses which are the annual wreath and popcorn sale. If scouts sell the appropriate amount of products, they have the opportunity to earn money that is placed in their scout account. Account money may be used by the scout to partially or completely pay for outings such as summer camp and high adventure opportunities.
It is expected that all registered scouts participate in these sales to help support their costs.
Each scout will receive all instructions and handouts needed from the fundraising chairs.
Any questions can be answered by the fundraising chairs: See Contacts
Please note that important dates for these fundraisers such as product pickup will be on the Troop calendar: Calendar
All scouts from new members through Eagle Scouts incur these expenses.
Troop 159 offers two primary fundraiser opportunities for scouts to earn money for the above expenses which are the annual wreath and popcorn sale. If scouts sell the appropriate amount of products, they have the opportunity to earn money that is placed in their scout account. Account money may be used by the scout to partially or completely pay for outings such as summer camp and high adventure opportunities.
It is expected that all registered scouts participate in these sales to help support their costs.
Each scout will receive all instructions and handouts needed from the fundraising chairs.
Any questions can be answered by the fundraising chairs: See Contacts
Please note that important dates for these fundraisers such as product pickup will be on the Troop calendar: Calendar